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Allow to setup exports module.exports/export for source files.

Useful when a source file does not contain exports or something does not export.

For further hints on compatibility issues, check out Shimming of the official docs.

⚠ By default loader generate ES module named syntax.

⚠ Be careful, existing exports (export/module.exports/exports) in the original code and exporting new values can cause a failure.

Getting Started

To begin, you'll need to install exports-loader:

$ npm install exports-loader --save-dev


The | or %20 (space) allow to separate the syntax, name and alias of export. The documentation and syntax examples can be read here.

%20 is space in a query string, because you can't use spaces in URLs

Then add the loader to the desired import statement or require calls. For example:

import { myFunction } from "exports-loader?exports=myFunction!./file.js";
// Adds the following code to the file's source:
// ...
// Code
// ...
// export { myFunction }

myFunction("Hello world");
import {
} from "exports-loader?exports=myVariable,myFunction!./file.js";
// Adds the following code to the file's source:
// ...
// Code
// ...
// export { myVariable, myFunction };

const newVariable = myVariable + "!!!";


myFunction("Hello world");
const {
} = require("exports-loader?type=commonjs&exports=myFunction!./file.js");
// Adds the following code to the file's source:
// ...
// Code
// ...
// module.exports = { myFunction }

myFunction("Hello world");
// Alternative syntax:
// import myFunction from 'exports-loader?exports=default%20myFunction!./file.js';
import myFunction from "exports-loader?exports=default|myFunction!./file.js";
// `%20` is space in a query string, equivalently `default myFunction`
// Adds the following code to the file's source:
// ...
// Code
// ...
// exports default myFunction;

myFunction("Hello world");
const myFunction = require("exports-loader?type=commonjs&exports=single|myFunction!./file.js");
// `|` is separator in a query string, equivalently `single|myFunction`
// Adds the following code to the file's source:
// ...
// Code
// ...
// module.exports = myFunction;

myFunction("Hello world");
import { myFunctionAlias } from "exports-loader?exports=named|myFunction|myFunctionAlias!./file.js";
// `|` is separator in a query string, equivalently `named|myFunction|myFunctionAlias`
// Adds the following code to the file's source:
// ...
// Code
// ...
// exports { myFunction as myFunctionAlias };

myFunctionAlias("Hello world");

Description of string values can be found in the documentation below.

Using Configuration


module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        // You can use `regexp`
        // test: /vendor\.js/$
        test: require.resolve("./path/to/vendor.js"),
        loader: "exports-loader",
        options: {
          exports: "myFunction",

And run webpack via your preferred method.


type{String}moduleFormat of generated exports
exports{String|Object|Array<String|Object>}undefinedList of exports


Type: String Default: module

Format of generated exports.

Possible values - commonjs (CommonJS module syntax) and module (ES module syntax).



module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: require.resolve("./path/to/vendor.js"),
        loader: "exports-loader",
        options: {
          type: "commonjs",
          exports: "Foo",

Generate output:

// ...
// Code
// ...

module.exports = { Foo };



module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: require.resolve("./path/to/vendor.js"),
        loader: "exports-loader",
        options: {
          type: "module",
          exports: "Foo",

Generate output:

// ...
// Code
// ...

export { Foo };


Type: String|Array Default: undefined

List of exports.


Allows to use a string to describe an export.


The | or %20 (space) allow to separate the syntax, name and alias of export.

String syntax - [[syntax] [name] [alias]] or [[syntax]|[name]|[alias]], where:

  • [syntax] (may be omitted) -

    • if type is module- can be default and named,
    • if type is commonjs- can be single and multiple
  • [name] - name of an exported value (required)

  • [alias] - alias of an exported value (may be omitted)


  • [Foo] - generates export { Foo };.
  • [default Foo] - generates export default Foo;.
  • [named Foo] - generates export { Foo };.
  • [named Foo FooA] - generates export { Foo as FooA };.
  • [single Foo] - generates module.exports = Foo;.
  • [multiple Foo] - generates module.exports = { Foo };.
  • [multiple Foo FooA] - generates module.exports = { 'FooA': Foo };.
  • [named [name] [name]Alias] - generates ES module named exports and exports a value equal to the filename under other name., for single.js it will be single and singleAlias, generates export { single as singleAlias };.

⚠ You need to set type: "commonjs" to use single or multiple syntaxes.

⚠ Aliases can't be used together with default or single syntaxes.

ES Module Default Export


module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: require.resolve("./path/to/vendor.js"),
        loader: "exports-loader",
        options: {
          exports: "default Foo",

Generate output:

// ...
// Code
// ...

export default Foo;
ES Module Named Exports


module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: require.resolve("./path/to/vendor.js"),
        loader: "exports-loader",
        options: {
          exports: "named Foo FooA",

Generate output:

// ...
// Code
// ...

export { Foo as FooA };
CommonJS Single Export


module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: require.resolve("./path/to/vendor.js"),
        loader: "exports-loader",
        options: {
          type: "commonjs",
          exports: "single Foo",

Generate output:

// ...
// Code
// ...

module.exports = Foo;
CommonJS Multiple Exports


module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: require.resolve("./path/to/vendor.js"),
        loader: "exports-loader",
        options: {
          type: "commonjs",
          exports: "multiple Foo FooA",

Generate output:

// ...
// Code
// ...

module.exports = { FooA: Foo };


Allows to use an object to describe an export.


  • syntax - can be default or named for the module type (ES modules module format), and single or multiple for the commonjs type (CommonJS module format) (may be omitted)
  • name - name of an exported value (required)
  • alias - alias of an exported value (may be omitted)
ES Module Default Export


module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: require.resolve("./path/to/vendor.js"),
        loader: "exports-loader",
        options: {
          exports: {
            syntax: "default",
            name: "Foo",

Generate output:

// ...
// Code
// ...

export default Foo;
ES Module Named Exports


module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: require.resolve("./path/to/vendor.js"),
        loader: "exports-loader",
        options: {
          exports: {
            syntax: "named",
            name: "Foo",
            alias: "FooA",

Generate output:

// ...
// Code
// ...

export { Foo as FooA };
CommonJS Single Export


module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: require.resolve("./path/to/vendor.js"),
        loader: "exports-loader",
        options: {
          type: "commonjs",
          exports: {
            syntax: "single",
            name: "Foo",

Generate output:

// ...
// Code
// ...

module.exports = Foo;
CommonJS Multiple Exports


module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: require.resolve("./path/to/vendor.js"),
        loader: "exports-loader",
        options: {
          type: "commonjs",
          exports: {
            syntax: "multiple",
            name: "Foo",
            alias: "FooA",

Generate output:

// ...
// Code
// ...

module.exports = { FooA: Foo };


Allow to specify multiple exports. Each item can be a string or an object.

⚠ Not possible to use single and multiple syntaxes together due to CommonJS format limitations.

⚠ Not possible to use multiple default values due to ES module format limitations.

⚠ Not possible to use multiple single values due to CommonJS format limitations.

CommonJS Multiple Exports


module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: require.resolve("./path/to/vendor.js"),
        loader: "exports-loader",
        options: {
          type: "commonjs",
          exports: ["Foo", "multiple Bar", "multiple Baz BazA"],

Generate output:

// ...
// Code
// ...

module.exports = { Foo, Bar, BazA: Bar };
ES Module Default Export And Named Exports Together


module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: require.resolve("./path/to/vendor.js"),
        loader: "exports-loader",
        options: {
          exports: ["default Foo", "named Bar BarA"],

Generate output:

// ...
// Code
// ...

export default Foo;
export { Bar as BarA };
Named Exports


module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: require.resolve("./path/to/vendor.js"),
        loader: "exports-loader",
        options: {
          exports: [
            { syntax: "named", name: "Foo", alias: "FooA" },
            { syntax: "named", name: "Bar" },

Generate output:

// ...
// Code
// ...

export { Foo as FooA, Bar, Baz };


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